Edward Wickwire

Licensed Massage Therapist

A massage practice specializing in restorative structural work and somatic advocacy.

Please review the following and submit a completed health intake form prior to your initial appointment. Insurance clients please provide billing information below.

Limitations and Risks of Massage Therapy

Massage therapists do not diagnose medical diseases or musculoskeletal conditions and massage is not a substitute for medical examination and treatment. Massage therapists do not prescribe herbs or drugs, including aspirin or ibuprofen, or medical treatments. They do not perform spinal adjustments. If you experience symptoms that lead you to believe you may have a medical condition, it is recommended that you visit a physician for diagnosis and treatment. For a detailed description of the massage scope of practice in this state, please visit the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists website at www.oregon.gov/obmt.

Massage may lead to adverse reactions in certain situations or when used with certain conditions or medications. Please provide complete details of medical conditions and medications during the health intake interview. In certain circumstances you may be asked to provide a note from your physician stating that it is safe for you to receive massage. Failure to disclose all medical conditions and medications may place you at increased risk for adverse reactions.

Oregon LMT # 8033